Really getting into the meat and potatoes now.
Lets see if you can spot the hidden joke!
Really getting into the meat and potatoes now.
Lets see if you can spot the hidden joke!
There unfortunately wont be a new page this week, but I do have something to show for it! Throughout the week I’ve been throwing myself into Blender and building out some of my scenes in 3D. I’m not the biggest fan of backgrounds and I’d say they’re the #1 thing slowing down my comic output, so I thought if I modeled them instead, it would help cut down the time it takes while also making them look more proportionally consistent. So far I’ve been working on both Mars’s lab and Ghoul’s room, and here’s the progress I have so far
I also modeled Ghoul in VRoid Studio so I could use him as a size reference to help model these spaces in a way that’s appropriately sized to a person’s proportions.
This 3D model of Ghoul isn’t going to replace hand drawn Ghoul in my comics though. Stylistically I’m still trying to keep everything looking hand drawn. I want to replace some of my backgrounds with 3D renders and draw my characters over top of them, but even those renders I won’t be putting in until I learn how to give them a cel shaded, cartoony look to fit the aesthetic I want for my comic better.
Overall the important thing is that I’ve been having a blast with what I’ve been doing! 3D modeling is something I find really fun and switching to a mixed medium workload instead of strictly hand drawing everything has been helping me spend a LOT more time doing art I enjoy instead of just mind numbingly doomscrolling all day.
Thanks for reading! The next page is halfway done and I should have it out on its scheduled time next week!
In an effort to get onto some kinda more regular schedule to help me put more pages out, I’ve decided I’m going to do the best I can to make sure THAW gets a new page once a week on Thursdays! I started publishing it a little over a year ago, in October 2022, and have just recently published the 20th page as of the writing of this post. On one hand, that’s 20 more pages than have ever existed before, but on the other hand, I need to pick up the pace if I want to get anywhere with it. I think minimum one page a week is a very doable goal, and if I can adequately accomplish it, then that should be about 50 new pages by this time next year! More than double! Kind of a late new years resolution, but that’s what I’d like to accomplish in the coming year. Here’s to another year of comics, and thank you for reading friend! 🙂
I’ve had this site for a half a year now! Wow! I know I only published it in October, so it’s only actually been live for about 2 months-ish now, but I actually bought the domain back during the summer, and had been working behind the scenes for about another 3 months on-and-off teaching myself a bunch of wordpress functions to actually get this thing off the ground. Boy am I happy I did!
Obviously over the next coming year, I want this site to grow more. More comics! Yes! What I’m really aiming for is to start getting more into the meat and potatoes of the stuff I REALLY wanna make. The single page gag strips are fun, but I have a psychological NEED to get weirder with it. I’ve been writing out a lot of big ideas for story arcs for both The Grimoire of Roxy Rockett and ÞAW. It’s a bit hard and time consuming to balance both at the same time, especially with bigger stories, but it also feels fulfilling to do it this way. This whole shebang has been a learning experience for me in not just art creation, but also time and resource management, and I expect to learn a lot more in the coming year. Something I thing I may have to do is reduce the visual quality I put into each page in order to put out a higher quantity, but I need to find a good balance that allows me to do that without the artwork looking like crap. “Learning experience, learning experience,” I continue to remind myself.
I remain hopeful despite tripping over my own shoelaces a lot with this project. Here’s to a bright and colorful 2023 full of more comics! Thank you to everyone who stops by here or my social media pages to read what I make! It means the world to me!
I’m excited to finally turn on the lights of my new home for my comics! The front homepage will always show the most recent page posted, regardless which story it belongs to. I plan to run a few different things simultaneously, some are single page gag strips, and some part of a longer, more serious narrative, so if you have certain storylines you prefer, you will be able to navigate to what you like with the menu bar at the top. Thanks for stopping by! I’m looking forward to growing it in time!